The Cooperative Computer Ministry Homepage
A Program of the

Graphic: A person working on a computer

Nathan Hill

(901) 335-7374 (901) 729-2933 fax

In June of 1997 Cooperative Computer Ministry (CCM) Became a ministry of Memphis Leadership Foundation.

Mailing Address:
P.O. box 41204
Memphis TN 38174

What is the CCM?

The Cooperative Computer Ministry has grown out of a dialogue between Nathan R. Hill and Richard H. Cook. Although it might seem somewhat ambitious, it is the hope of CCM to build communion within the community, that will break down racial and class barriers and provide another vehicle for the church to fulfill its mission.

The reader must know that the word church is being used in a very "loose" understanding. Although a number of its advocates and founders share a common denomination, CCM is not based on denominationalism.

What is the vehicle for this undertaking?

Do you have a computer to donate?

If you have an old or outdated computer, or any computer parts that you don't need, please let us know who you are. We will let you know how you can best help the Cooperative Computer Ministry.

Would you like to volunteer to teach a computer class?

If you have some computer skills that can be of benefit to the mission of CCM, please let us know of your interest.

Do you need a computer or computer class?

Would you like to be part of the next class?

E-mail Nathan Hill e-mail